Classes |
class | Annotation |
| Instances of this class represent annotations in Vinci. More...
class | Commands |
| This class provides some higher level functionality to communicate with a Vinci instance. More...
class | Connect |
| This class provides the basic functionality for starting a new Vinci instance, connecting to an existing Vinci instance and exchanging data with the connected instance of Vinci. More...
class | Constants |
class | DisplayGroup |
| Each instance of the class DisplayGroup represents a display group within Vinci. More...
class | DisplayObject |
| This class is a proxy to an display object in Vinci. More...
class | Image |
| Instances of this class represent one image within Vinci. More...
class | Measure |
| Each instance of Vinci.Measure represents one measure object within Vinci. More...
class | MMMTool |
| Instances of this class represent one MMM tool in Vinci. More...
class | OrthoDisplay |
| Instances of this class represent one ortho display in Vinci. More...
class | OrthoView |
| Instances of this class represent an ortho view window in Vinci. More...
class | PlanesView |
| Instances of this class represent a planes view in Vinci. More...
class | Profile |
| Instances of this class represent profiles within Vinci. More...
class | Roi |
| This class represents a proxy object for a roi in Vinci. More...
class | RoiEllipse |
class | RoiPolygon |
| VINCIROIRECT Summary of this class goes here Detailed explanation goes here. More...
class | RoiRect |
| This class represents a rectangular roi within Vinci. More...
class | TypeError |
class | VinciObject |
| This class represents an Vinci object within Matlab. More...
Functions |
function | getAbsolutePath (in path, in parentDir) |
function | getDemoDataDir () |
function | getInterfaceVersion () |
function | createDom (in content) |
function | getPackageDir () |
function | getVinciBinary () |
function | getPossibleBinDirs (in candidates) |
function | getPossibleBinaries (in binDirs) |
function | resolveAppBundles (in binaries) |
function | validateResult (in binaries, in binDirs) |
function | joinStrings (in strings, in sep, in lastSep) |
function | getLastModifiedBinary (in binaries) |
function | getLastModified (in filename) |
function | onetimeTimeout (in connection, in timeout) |
function | timeoutSetter (in connection, in timeout) |
function | readSchemeFile (in filename) |
function | strjoin (in strs) |
function | domToString (in job) |
function | resampleImage (in img1Vol, in reslice1, in pixelsize1, in img2Vol, in reslice2, in pixelsize2, in varargin) |
function | transform (in mx, in my, in mz, in trafo) |
function | vol2mm (in volume, in pixelsize) |
function | mm2idx (in mmx, in mmy, in mmz, in pixelsize, in d) |
function | genTrafo (in reslice, in pixelsize, in includeOffset) |
The package, which contains all classes and functions provided by the Vinci Matlab interface.