Vinci Matlab Interface
Annotation | Instances of this class represent annotations in Vinci |
Commands | This class provides some higher level functionality to communicate with a Vinci instance |
Connect | This class provides the basic functionality for starting a new Vinci instance, connecting to an existing Vinci instance and exchanging data with the connected instance of Vinci |
Constants | |
DisplayGroup | Each instance of the class DisplayGroup represents a display group within Vinci |
DisplayObject | This class is a proxy to an display object in Vinci |
handle | |
Image | Instances of this class represent one image within Vinci |
Measure | Each instance of Vinci.Measure represents one measure object within Vinci |
MException | |
MMMTool | Instances of this class represent one MMM tool in Vinci |
OrthoDisplay | Instances of this class represent one ortho display in Vinci |
OrthoView | Instances of this class represent an ortho view window in Vinci |
PlanesView | Instances of this class represent a planes view in Vinci |
Profile | Instances of this class represent profiles within Vinci |
Roi | This class represents a proxy object for a roi in Vinci |
RoiEllipse | |
RoiPolygon | VINCIROIRECT Summary of this class goes here Detailed explanation goes here |
RoiRect | This class represents a rectangular roi within Vinci |
TypeError | |
VinciObject | This class represents an Vinci object within Matlab |