VOI Manipulation Tool
Table of Contents
The VOI Manipulation Tool activates mouse-induced editing of irregular volumes of interests (Boid VOIs); complete undo/redo inclusive.
Editing Modes
in this mode you can interactively erase voxels from or add voxels to an irregular VOI by drawing with a virtual pen/eraser of an adjustable size (width) given in screen pixels.
Encircle a voxel group
you can draw a polygon in free-hand style and the tool erases or adds all voxels inside or outside of the polygon’s area. The polygon will be deleted immediately if not switched off.
Voxels in a given ROI
alternatively you can use an existing ROI to erase or add all voxels in- or outside its boundaries. Press the CTRL-key during click-release to choose the clicked-on ROI.
Work on neighboring planes
the last three VOI editing modes can work on a given number of neighboring planes.
Connected voxel groups
you can erase connected (next-neighbour) voxels around the current eraser position, or erase all visible voxels of the VOI except the part containing the current eraser position.
CAVEAT: this is a “2d” feature acting on the VOI slice currently visible on the display, i.e. it will not automatically work on neighboring planes.
Integration with OrthoDisplay and Image
VOI Editing Mouse Mode
switching the mouse mode on or off (e.g. with the E accelerator key) will automatically switch the checkbox Activate Mouse Edit on and off and vice versa.
VOI Editing Index
you can change the VOI Editing Index to the index of given VOI by pressing the P accelerator key while the mouse is over it. The chosen VOI is then automatically selected in the tool.
Pressing P beside any VOI changes from erase to add mode and v.v. The selected VOI in the tool remains unchanged.
Changing to erase mode will not set the VOI Editing Index to zero, as was in Vinci 2.x. Instead in Vinci 3.x, the VOI Editing Index is always set to the index of an existing VOI, thus adding and erasing only voxels of that chosen VOI.
the tool searches its OrthoDisplay for a VOI image (which may be fused). If the VOI image is not Vinci Drawing Objects base image it asks to make it so. If you don’t comply you will not be able to edit the VOIs!
Selecting an Index Volume
If the VOI image is visible on the tool’s OrthoDisplay but not a Vinci Drawing Objects base image the tool asks to make it so.
Changing planes via Mouse Wheel
in VOI Edit mouse mode the mouse wheel changes vertical planes in the image; you get back the usual shortcut by pressing <CTRL> while running the mouse wheel.
Main Differences to the Vinci 2.x versions
Overlapping Boids
you have full support for usage/editing of overlapping irregular VOIs (Boids).
Full Undo/Redo
you have full undo/redo for adding and erasing voxels, as well as in the tool editing settings.
you can edit VOIs on all PlanesView displays in parallel in Pen and Parts mode.
INFO: This will never work for Polygon or Given ROI mode as ROIs can only be shown (drawn) on the Crossmarker display.
Plane Width
support for simultaneous editing in neighbouring planes in Pen, Polygon and the new Given ROI mode.
Context Menu
you can change editing modi in the OrthoView and PlanesView context menu, so in principle, you can work without open VOI Manipulation tool.
VOI Editing Index
Erasing no longer indicated by the VOI Editing Index zero. Instead, even during erasure, you set the VOI Editing Index to the index of a given VOI. You, then, can only erase voxels of the chosen VOI.
Automatic Selection
When the mouse cursor is over a VOI on the OrthoDisplay the corresponding VOI is no longer automatically selected in the tool.