Vinci Installation Instructions (Version 4.33.0)

(1) Debian and derivates (Kubuntu, Ubuntu, etc.)

We provide standard installers vinci4_4.xx.x-1_amd64.deb, Amd64 compatible build. The file tries to install Vinci as root in /opt/vinci4 and create appropriate links in /opt/bin if the directory exists before the installation. Start the installer as root or with an appropriate sudo call using your favorite installation program (like gdebi, qapt-deb-installer, etc.) or sudo apt-get install ./vinci4_5.xx.x-1_amd64.deb.

On Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, Vinci since version 5.10.0 needs a newer version of libstdc++6 and some other libraries than are normally installed there. You can get them via sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test. Afterwards, a normal sudo apt-get install ./vinci4_5.xx.x-1_amd64.deb resolves all dependencies as usual.

(2) Linux, Tarball Installer

The package comes as a setup_vinci_xxx_x.tar.gz file.

a) Call cd <download dir> to change to the download directory.

b) Call gunzip setup_vinci_xxx_x.tar.gz to get the unzipped tar-file setup_vinci_xxx_x.tar.

c) Call tar -xf setup_vinci_xxx_x.tar to create the directory tar in the download directory that contains the Vinci files and directory structure.

d) Call tar/ . <install root absolute path> <platform id string> to install Vinci in a sub-directory of install root, which itself must be given as absolute path. If you have write permission in install root, you need not to be root for the installation. You can choose the platform id string freely to identify the platform or group of platforms for which you install a given version of Vinci.

Example: The call tar/ . /daten/share/myvincis mylinux64machines will install Vinci in a sub-directory of /daten/share/myvincis and identify the specific installation so as to suit mylinux64machines.

The script calls to create the link vinci-<platform id string> (i.e. vinci-mylinux64machines in the example) in the directory Vinci_Common/bin and a script called vinci in /usr/bin if you are root, in the /tmp-directory else. The script then starts Vinci which itself shows the Vinci history in its InfoView. At last, the tar directory is scheduled for automatic deletion.

e) Call su -c "mv /tmp/vinci /usr/bin" to move the vinci script into /usr/bin, if you did not install Vinci as root. As a new installation with the same platform-id and an update (see below) overwrite the link in Vinci_Common/bin, you (and other users) will always be able to start the current Vinci version simply by calling vinci.

The tar ball installer does not install dependencies of Vinci. If e.g. you try to run Vinci on Ubuntu 18, you might have to add the following libraries: libxkbcommon0 libopengl0 libxcb-icccm4 libxcb-image0 libxcb-keysyms1 libxcb-randr0 libxcb-render-util0 libxcb-shape0 libxkbcommon-x11-0 libxcb-xinput0 libegl1 libglew2.0. But since version 5.10.0 Vinci also needs a newer version of libstdc++6 and other libraries than are normally installed on Ubuntu 18. You can get them via: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test and sudo apt-get install libstdc++6. On Ubuntu 20 this version of libstdc++6 is already the default, nonetheless you might have to add the following dependencies: libopengl0 libegl1 libxkbcommon0 libpcre2-16-0 libxcb-icccm4 libxcb-image0 libxcb-keysyms1 libxcb-render0 libxcb-render-util0 libxcb-xfixes0 libxcb-xkb1 libxkbcommon-x11-0 libxcb-xinput0 libglew2.1.

(3) MS Windows

We provide a standard installer setup_vinci_xxx_x.exe. Start the installer exe-file and proceed as usual.

(4) Apple Mac

We provide a standard installer setup_vinci_xxx.dmg. Start the installer dmg-file and proceed as usual. You can also use the optional install script (bottom right corner after opening the DMG-file).


Parallel Installation of Vinci for Different Platforms on a Network Directory

We do it ourselves for different Linux versions of Vinci.

Say, the network directory is /share/opt, and you would like to install all your Vinci versions in the subdirectory MPIfSF.

Then you just have to call tar/ . /share/opt/MPIfSF <platform id string> in step 2 d) from above.


Updates are initiated from within the Vinci program in the Update menu entry Online Update. They are automatically installed in the original install root-directory, i.e. parallel to your primary installation.

WINDOWS: If you have write permission in the install root directory you need not be administrator for the update process.
Else you are asked whether you want to continue anyway. A dialog will open and allow you to run the downloaded setup program as owner of install root. Of course, this will require appropriate authentication in the usual system's run-as dialog.

LINUX: As long as the platform id strings of your primary installations are different, the Vinci versions for the different platforms will not interfere.
If you have write permission in the install root directory you need not be root for the update process. Else you are asked whether you want to continue anyway. A dialog will open and allow you to run the update scripts as owner of install root. Of course, this will require appropriate authentication. For now, the dialog supports su and sudo in connection with xterm, gnome-terminal and konsole or using the graphical equivalents gksu, gksudo, kdesu and kdesudo.

Transmitted data

The Vinci updating and the Vinci Demo Data download modules transmit the information listed below to the Vinci Update server which we only use internally (e.g. statistics, tracking bugs). If you do not want to transmit these data, you can always use the web site for manual downloads and proceed as explained above.

The following information is transmitted before the download:

SiteIDsite ID of the license file
LicenseDatedate of the license file
RequestGetCurrentVinciMain for an update of Vinci and GetCurrentDemoData for a download of the Vinci demo data
UserNamelogin name of user that runs the update program
ComputerNamecomputer name of the machine that runs the update program
UpdaterShortVersionversion of the update program
VinciNumVersionversion of Vinci that runs the update program
VinciViamenu entry that initiated the update
Platformcomputer platform identification string (e.g. /win64)

The following information is transmitted after the download:

KBperSecdownload velocity in KBytes per second
TotalBytesnumber of downloaded bytes
BinaryPathfilename without path of the downloaded file

The server logs the time of each update request.

Last Change: January 19, 2023